17-4 PH – Precipitation Hardened Stainless Steel17-4 PH is a martensitic precipitation-hardening stainless steel that provides an outstanding combination of high strength, good corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties at temperatures up to 600°F (316°C), good toughness in both base metal and welds, and short time, low-temperature heat treatments that minimize warpage and scaling. This versatile material is widely used in the aerospace, chemical, petrochemical, food processing, paper and general metalworking industries.

    Alloy Specifications17-4 PH17-4 SS17-4 Stainless SteelAISI 630AISI Type 630AISI Type S17400PH 17-4UNS S17400Alloy UNS S17400Custom 630Grade 630Type 63017Cr-4Ni17Cr-4Ni-3CuX5CrNiCuNb17-4-4Stainless Steel 17Cr-4NiVIRGO 17.4 PH AMS 5604AMS 5643AMS 7474ASME SA 705ASTM A 564ASTM SA 564ASTM A 693ASME SA 693ASTM A 705

    Wire Flat Wire Round Wire Special Wire Shapes Square Wire
    Custom ShapesForgings
    Rod, Flats, Square, Hex, Coil, Plate, Sheet, Strip, Foil, Tubes and Wire.17-4 PH sheet sizes: 17-4 PH Sheet SizesCompliance: Metals distributed by Ragavendra Eingineerng.

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